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Friday, December 2, 2011

You! / Tu!

I can see you, I can smell you, yes, and you are here, next to me. You came to hold me, to hug me. I’m waiting…I have been waiting for you all this time, and now, finally, you are here, for me, just for me.
I get up from my bed and I walk toward you, but every step I do, the distance gets longer, and longer. I run hoping I get closer to you, but you are far away now. I can barely see you. I stopped, and you are close again. I stand still, although you will go away…I do not even breath, and with a trembling hand I try to reach you. I get closer, and closer, and I open my eye, oh, where are you?
Te pot vedea, te pot mirosi, da, esti aici langa mine. Ai venit sa ma tii in brate. Astept… Te-am asteptat tot acet timp, si acum, in sfarsit esti aici pentru mine, doar pentru mine. Ma ridic din pat si merg spre tine, dar fiecare pas pe care il fac, face distanta dintre noi mai mare. Alerg spre tine, sperand sa ajung mai aproape, dar cu greu te mai pot zari. M-am oprit, si iarasi esti aici aproape. Stau nemiscata, pentru ca altfel iar te vei indeparta … nici macar nu respir, si cu mana tremuranda incerc sa te ajung. Ajung tot mai aproape de tine, si mai aproape si deschid ochii…oh, unde esti?

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